nice one
i love this flash at the last battle part i was think this must have took u agers to do but iam surprised u didnt get 9/10 for this flash becaue it is very good =)
nice one
i love this flash at the last battle part i was think this must have took u agers to do but iam surprised u didnt get 9/10 for this flash becaue it is very good =)
lmao i like that i was like zzzzzzzzzzzzzz but then bam!! lmao that was great lol hahahahahah mwhahahahahahaha lmao iam crazy lol nice job that made me laugh lol
no point sending it in lol
no point dude u mite have thought it be good but no point ur just getting bad reviews sorry if i have efended u in any waybut its true
1. make a story any stroy
2. it has to link and make sense
3.need better grafics
4. try making it funny every one love to laugh =D
hhhhmmm strange
i dont blame u for the lag but when i had it with my flash it stop after i made a new layer it was only one layer beacuse it had that much back ground lol have u tried that? ANYWAY nice story it was good grafix i just didnt get the story bit but i no that he flyed thourgh the sky like super man lol but yeh good made me chuckle with bath lmao
i think its ok =)
nice going like that other guy said cheese but yeh get this protected
i think its quite good u need a bit more pratis in sound and grafix and may be animating it but yeh u have done well congrates =)
i must admite that was good
well done i think that was ok u did well tri makeing it long if posible and care down a bit with sound because ur going to fast and load u must have been excited doing it but i dont mind i was to putting my frist flash in congrates on ur frist flash =)
p.s lego people thats amazing nice job ;)
nice job =)
night on the baren mouinten the music is called its very good i tried getting it on my flash but to big of a file but well done it goes perfect
with that flash it is a dramatic musicle and u have done very good with it congrats on getting frist place =)
that was funny as hell i really like that alot lol u are very good at doing lip movement to do the voices and the way it end just fantastic lol!!!
i like it alot =) congrates =)
uummmm what can i say
not bad but u need to get a story line beacuse it made no sense and is it ok if u can repliy back on this um how come ur charters look like alien homids creations plz but over all i quite like it
its all gravy baby!
Age 35, Male
Joined on 2/7/06